Saturday, June 23, 2012

The End of Week One...a little delayed

This is a bit delayed between getting off work late yesterday and being busy with homework and my perfect new roommate moving in, but I'm finally getting around to updating you all on the last couple of days of camp. On Thursday, we woke up at about 8, another much needed sleep-in morning and got the girls all packed up and ready to go after breakfast by about 11:30. Their clue led us to the Fort in St. Augustine to eat lunch (sandwiches for the third day in a row! We had them make their lunches before leaving camp that morning) on the lawn. It was a cloudy but pretty (and not humid!) day. The breeze coming off the water was refreshing.

We walked back to where we parked (the Ripley's Believe it Or Not parking lot) and got the girls completely loaded into the van and gave them their last clue. To throw them off since we were in the Ripley's parking lot, we told them the last clue was probably just going to lead us back to camp. They opened it and were so surprised and over the moon to find out we were going to Ripley's. The girls (and us counselors!) had the best time there. It was my second time visiting, but there have been new exhibits added, so it was really exciting. Plus, Ripley's will never fail to be anything less than thrilling.

Yesterday consisted of packing, cleaning the unit, an all camp dance party, and camper's choice. For camper's choice, I was one of the counselors in charge of taking the girls on a hike from the dining hall to the bunkhouses and stables to see the horses. Thankfully we took the tractor back to the dining hall and didn't have to hike anymore--it was a really hot day! The girls got picked up between 4-6 and the ones who aren't returning this summer got to learn our real names. A lot of the girls wanted my email address to keep in touch, so I got written consent from their parents and gave it to them. It was really sad seeing the girls leave, because while they were chatty, they were the best girls ever. They really made the week more enjoyable than it could have been.

I forgot to mention that on Thursday night after dinner, I told the girls that I went to high school for voice and so they asked me to sing for them and had me give them a mini concert during what was supposed to be my time off that night. It was fun just hanging out with them and taking their requests. They were so sweet because they kept telling me I should audition for American Idol. One of them said, "You should audition for American Idol so that we'll know your real name when we see you on TV!" It was too cute.

I promised everyone I'd tell you how the wakeup call went on Thursday what with the cadets in our unit. It wasn't as bad as I expected! I guess we were far enough away that the wake up didn't keep me from sleeping. It was a bunch of yelling and screaming, which definitely isn't how I'd ever want to be woken up, but seeing as I was expecting them to pull out all the stops with air horns and bull horns, the yelling and screaming was a little bit of a relief!

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