Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Amazing Race Continues

Today was an amazing sleep in day! Our schedule was made so we didn't have to wake up until 10 (we woke up at 8:30 instead because that'd give us enough time to cook, eat, and clean before we had to leave). It was so glorious, and much needed after last night. A little after dinner yesterday, a camper ran into a door and hit her eye. At about 11:15, she came into the staff bedroom (I was the only one awake to help her out). I told her to put an ice pack on again. 15 minutes later, two other campers came in and let me know that she was crying and really wanted me to come help her, so I put colder ice in her ice pack and told all the other girls in the room to stop talking. I'm pretty sure they did because I didn't get anymore complaints about anything.

This morning was really relaxed, we had breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes, sausage and fruit), packed, and left. Before we left, we let the girl play on a playground right next door for about an hour. They had a great time and finally perfected their execution of the buddy check!

In the car on the way to their next secret location, we ate lunch and the girls filled out Kateri Charm Award slips (the papers that we get beads for) for today and yesterday. Out of the 18 papers, I got NINE awards from the girls!!!!! I was so excited when I went though and read them, I'll be sure to post pictures or the comments they wrote later, because they were so amazing to read and definitely reaffirm that I'm doing something right as a counselor.

Their next clue led them to McDonald's to get ice cream, then to a camp where they could swim and where we're staying tonight. Coincidentally, this camp is the same one my brother's at for a week long cadet camp! Unfortunately I haven't gotten to see him up close, but it's still a really awesome coincidence. We made dinner over an actual fire (Hillbilly Burritos, which are burritos made in a pie iron over a fire) that we built ourselves with wood and a couple of matches. When we were done with that we went to the pool where the girls swam for about half an hour before dark (I was a watcher and my unit leader lifeguarded--we met at our lifeguarding training a couple of weeks ago!). I could see all the groups at the cadet program doing their work. More power to them, because that looks hard! My brother is tougher than I thought; I am so proud of all his hard work!

We got back and had the girls wash dishes, shower, and get into their cabins. We luckily get to stay in these cabins rather than the tents we brought since there were unused ones on the girl cadet side of camp (the boys are on the opposite side of camp in the other group of cabins.) Because we're over here and not in tents in a field, we had to get the girls in bed, totally silent with lights out by 9:30, which is no easy task with middle schoolers! We managed and are relaxing in our cabin (I'm typing this on my phone once again!) The cadets have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning (!!!!!!!!) in a way that will apparently wake us up as well because its so loud. I'll let everyone know how that experience goes! That's about all for now, I'll be back to my camp tomorrow night, but hopefully I'll have 3G and will be able to make another post from my tent after the girls are in bed telling you about tomorrow's events!

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